Is it time to look at rebranding your business post lockdown?

Aug 3, 2020 | News MLC

Grab a coffee and have a read at how we helped our logistics client Egetra do just that:

Egetra case study 1| My Language Connection

Egetra’s partnership with MLC

After a long journey within the logistics and solutions sector and with more than 120 years of experience, Egetra have begun to embark on the journey of a rebranding exercise that represents their values and ability to adapt to the modern times that we currently find ourselves in. Like many other business, Egetra, are now looking more than ever at adapting and as such putting stronger focus on the logistics areas that are more widely in demand within the current climate. The Egetra group then reached out to MLC to help
them with the localisation of their newly designed brochure that showcases the company’s principles, commitment to customer service and the new environment to expand their market to English and German speaking markets. This would then allow Egetra to increase their European presence even further, capitalising on new opportunities and expanding on existing by marketing in more languages than only their native tongue.

With the help of native experienced translators, Egetra had their company presentation translated into English and German. By using our standard procedure of translation and high-level proofreading, MLC ensured that the translations conveyed Egetra’s spirit of renovation and forward-thinking in the target languages to assist Egetra in developing their business within the English and German market and communicate their rebrand and achieving common ground with the marketing material.

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