MLC’s Top Three Tips for Making the Most of Medica 2023

Oct 24, 2023 | Language, Business, Medical Translations

Medica 1| My Language Connection

 As one of the UK’s leading boutique language translation agencies in the medical industry, My Language Connection (MLC) understands the significance of events like Medica 2023 

 Exhibitions like this offer an opportunity for healthcare professionals, researchers, and industry experts to come together and share their expertise. However, seldom do we think of companies that do not offer medical devices, manufacturing options or pharmaceuticals as active participants at these events.  

 So, how do companies like MLC, that are not immediately thought of in this space, cut through the noise and showcase the value and life-changing impacts their services offer in this sector? 

 We’ve put together our top three tips to answer just that.  

1) Plan Ahead and Prioritise

With a vast array of exhibitors, seminars, and workshops, it’s essential to plan your schedule in advance. Identify key presentations and sessions relevant to your field, your clients’ field and prioritise them.

Determine the specific areas where you want to expand your knowledge and be strategic in your approach. By focusing on your priorities, you can make the most of your time at Medica and ensure you gain valuable insights and connections.

2) Engage and Network

Medica offers a unique platform for networking with industry professionals from around the world. However, with so many stands, halls and tens of thousands of people trying to engage in ‘quick coffees’ over 4 days – it can be hard to keep focused and have meaningful conversations.

By all means, it’s important to be proactive in engaging with exhibitors, speakers, and fellow attendees. But even more important to initiate meaningful conversations, exchange LinkedIn profiles and e-business cards, and follow up after the event to build lasting relationships. 

My Language Connection wouldnot have the success it has today without really listening toour clients and building up a genuine, reliable and strong relationship. The same care goes into those first interactions with new people at Medica.  

After all, networking is not just about collecting contacts but fostering genuine relationships that can lead to collaborations and mutually beneficial partnerships in the future.

3) Visit My Language Connection

Of course – here’s the plug! 

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet our team at Medica 2023! As experts in medical language translation, we understand the importance of accurate and efficient communication in the global healthcare industry. Our services are here to support you in overcoming language barriers and facilitating seamless multilingual communication.  

To book a meeting with our MD, Victoria Nicol at Medica, click here and secure your spot in our schedule.  

Final Thoughts

Attending Medica 2023 promises to be an invaluable experience for professionals in the medical field.

By following these tips and making the most of networking and learning opportunities, you can greatly enhance your knowledge, expand your professional network, and unlock new possibilities.

We look forward to connecting with you at Medica and discussing how My Language Connection can support your language translation needs. 

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