Do you need to have documents translated when tendering for contracts outside of the UK?

Feb 5, 2018 | News MLC

Is this something that your company is thinking about? With over 60% of our quote requests in 2018, so far, being from companies who are looking to have tender submissions translated, we saw an increase in this requirement, and started some research of our own to understand how important it really is to have your tender bids translated and the impact it can have in winning that contract.

We found that a requirement of The European Commission’s, when bidding for public sector contracts within the countries that form part of the EU, is that the tender submissions should be in a language of one of the nations that form part of the European Union, so there isn’t a firm requirement to have your documents translated if they’re written in English, not yet, but it does seems to becoming more common practice . It’s also fair to conclude that by translating your tender documents, your company will increase its likelihood of winning both public and private sector EU contracts, as it’s courteous and will also enhance the reviewers understanding of your bid.

Right now, having your product specifications in English is still widely accepted for EU public sector bids, as the UK still forms part of the European Union. However, with the UK set to leave the EU, in less than two years with Brexit, the requirement to have tender documents translated in to the language of the country you are bidding for work within, will probably become compulsory when the UK leaves the EU.

Typical product specifications documents that we provide translation services for, include, product safety data sheets (SDSs), operating manuals, user guides, product drawings and system diagrams.

If you would like help with a similar requirement today or would like to speak with us in more detail about how we can help you then call us today on 0330 058 0251 or request a quote here.

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