Case Study


Find out how MLC helped Dexcom reach new markets and meet regulatory requirements with ease.


Translation Memory

Glossary Building

Medical Translation

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Client Overview

Dexcom is a company that develops, manufactures and distributes continuous glucose monitoring systems for diabetes management. It operates internationally with headquarters in San Diego, USA but is expanding fast in all global territories.

MLC helped us to completely streamline our internal processes, speeding up our communications and increasing efficiency, allowing us to get our first human patient to trials, in Europe, a lot faster than we had planned through their expedited translation service.


Requirements & Challenges

As a pioneer in Real-Time Continuous Glucose Management (CGM), Dexcom’s goal is to simplify and improve diabetes management for every possible person with diabetes. The Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System sends real-time glucose readings to your smartphone or watch so with a quick glance you can know where your glucose is headed and how fast – all with zero finger-sticks or scanning.

Dexcom asked MLC to help deploy marketing and user manual documentation for a variety of territories in a bid to expedite their entry-to-market timelines.Their Diabetes technology is now available in 52 countries worldwide.

Our Approach & Solution

My Language Connection provided translation services and high-level proofreading. MLC supplied native language subject matter experts which increased the speed and accuracy in delivering translated documentation. The translated documents were marketing materials for medical devices which helped spread awareness of Dexcom’s products across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The services My Language Connection provided supported Dexcom through their growth, and we continue to work with Dexcom on an ongoing basis, translating technical medical documentation, marketing materials and even social media management in multiple languages.

At MLC we are experts in providing companies within the healthcare & medical industry with expert language services. Some of our expertise include biotech translationspharmaceutical translationmedical device translations  as well as providing a wide range of medical translation services. Our partnership approach and commitment to quality mean we can help our clients improve outcomes and achieve their strategic goals.

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